
Support for training institutes

Recognised for its expertise and educational know-how, the national school for the judiciary (enm) plays a decisive role in the creation or the strengthening of judicial training institutes abroad. it has provided support to numerous institutes in the last 60 years, irrespective of their judicial systems. it participates in the construction of judicial training systems in countries that seek its help, often following a major crisis or against a background of structural reforms. the enm also provides technical and operational assistance to judicial training institutes that have embarked on a process of professionalisation.

By developing and professionalising judicial training in the partner countries, the ENM is helping to strengthen the rule of law around the world.


Each year, the ENM's International Department team, with the support of some sixty experts in different fields, organises projects to create or strengthen foreign judicial training institutes. These missions draw on the school's vast experience, which is recognised worldwide and covers areas such as the governance and general organisation of an autonomous training institute, but also, more specifically, instructional engineering. Examples of countries where the School has recently supported the creation and/or modernisation of judicial training schools include Algeria, Mali, Morocco and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

 ENM provides assistance on several levels:

  • Auditing: inventory and analysis of needs;
  • Recommendation and implementation of processes for evaluating candidates and recruiting trainers;
  • Design or adaptation of educational projects taking account of all the technical, material, economic, financial and human aspects;
  • Implementation of projects: training of trainers, roll-out of information and communication technologies, teaching techniques;
  • Evaluation of the teaching system and all the phases of the process.

Expert missions may be conducted abroad under bilateral agreements, after being directly commissioned by the country. They can also take place within a multilateral framework, following a call for projects or through and in association with the French interministerial operator.

Training for trainers:

Around ten missions have specifically concerned "trainer training". Designed and run by experts chosen for their advanced skills in the field, these sessions are intended to transmit to the foreign institutes' teaching staff (who may or may not be judges and prosecutors themselves) the knowledge they need to design, implement and evaluate appropriate teaching programmes.

Foreign delegations and study visits

The ENM regularly welcomes foreign delegations and organises study visits of varying lengths at all levels of representation: members of Supreme Courts, prosecution services, parliamentary assemblies, ministers for justice or their advisors, heads of training institutes, etc. The main purpose of these study visits is to familiarise justice professionals of all nationalities with the ENM's organisational model and the French judicial system. This kind of on-site immersion allows them to analyse afterwards the working and organisation of their own institutes in the light of the educational methods and principles they have observed."

 These visits scan also be dedicated to a specific work theme: designing an initial training curriculum or an in-service or e-training offer, etc.